
Cocoon (24x30in, oil on linen)

She creates a world of armor, a cocoon of comfort and safety. Withdrawing from harshness, putting up walls around the tender heart and exhausted mind. Without facing reality, finding the voice and reconciling to who she is and wishes to be, she is withdrawn into a shelter of isolation from the world. The toughness of the armor is the barrier of problems. She is confined, lives and breathes on for the purpose of controlling outcomes. The degree of her armor is proportionate to the need for protection from her sensitive heart. Freedom from the armor is proportional to the beauty she can give to the world. There’s a light of hope that glows at her, an invitation to transform the state of consciousness from one dimension to another, undergoing a deep experience that leads to a whole new capacity and perception. The butterfly is a life force, a new possibility past the feelings of despair and mental entrapment, and triggers new ideas, a new hope. Her face glows, exposing the beauty of her soul that is ready to fly. Wrapped in an armor of cocoon, she soon emerges in a new form, undefeated, free, and unleashing the inner self taking in the beauty of the world, and breathing out the beauty of her soul.


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